Lokanet, hereinafter referred to as the provider, is bounding to provide customers the following information:

  • Company information (name and adddres, VAT number),
  • contact information, which will be used for communication (e-mail addres, phone number),
  • significant features of company services,
  • terms and conditions of providing services,
  • Agreed prices will be final,
  • The method of payment and delivery.

payment method and services execution procces

Provider will provide next payment methods

  • Cash payment,
  • Bank transfer to the account of provider,
  • Payment by installments, if provider agrees.

Services are ordered in electronic form, through e-mail or web form. Order/deal is confirmed when both parties (customer and provider) agree on terms, prices and deadlines. When the order is confirmed, rules and terms on this page apply also, except if terms are negotiated and changed in communication between parties

Parties agree that customer will pay 50% of the order value in advance, and 50% after work/services are finished and before published. Services and products are in possesion of provider until 100% payment of the deal.

Legal interests will be charged if customer does not provide payment till the deadline

Website management

With confirmed deal/order, the customer bounds itself to pay for website management. The payment is payed for six months in advance. Customer will be informed about next payment deadline at least 15 days before. If customer does not respond or pay, it is considered that providers services are no longer needed. The domain and website files will be removed from the internet.

Delivery of files

Customers sends the neccesary files (images, texts,..) to providers e-mail addres


There are no refunds for customers outside Slovenia.

The deal/order deadlines

Deadlines of the order/deal will be agreed between provider and customers. It is usually not longer than 60 days

Validity of terms and conditions

Provider can change terms and conditions but must publish changes on this website. Changes must be published at least 15 days before they apply.

Rules apply from 01.10.2013

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